Victoria Herrera x Shannon Joy, Collaboration


“The Northern Crown”

Victoria Herrera  x  Shannon Joy

Price: $2000
Media: Acrylic and oil on canvas
Dimensions: 48″ x 24″
Project Statement: When we started painting, we wanted to portray the depth of a woman in a fun, interesting way. Our styles are completely different, but the idea of a beautiful galaxy goddess sounded perfect.
Tori sketched out the silhouette and Shannon filled her with beautiful colors and as many stars as we could fit. Tori then added her incredible, glowing features and the larger stars.
Once we fell in love with her, we realized we hadn’t decided on a name yet.
Of course, we looked to the stars, discovering “The Northern Crown”, a beautiful constellation in the northern celestial hemisphere. Only four of the stars are visible to the naked eye, which happened to look very much like what we had painted.
It also enhanced the idea of painting a “woman of depth”, as the myth is that of Ariadne in Greek mythology, who helped Theseus kill the Minotaur and find his way out of the labyrinth in which the creature lived.
But the best part of all? The Latin name is Corona Borealis.
This painting is a great reminder of the strength and resiliency we’ve all shown in conquering each day through these challenging times.

Personal work: 
Victoria Herrara | | Instagram

Original art by Shannon Joy

Shannon Joy | Instagram

Original art by Victoria Herrera
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